Product details
Indian rubber products manufacturing industry has undergone remarkable growth and expansion, particularly during the post-independence era. It has achieved overall development by increasing its size, spatial distribution, technological sophistication and more prominently the wide range of products manufactured. Besides its self-sufficiency by catering to the entire domestic demand, the industry has broken new barriers on the export front as well. This chapter gives an overview on rubber and rubber products, their production, classification, distribution and consumption pattern, their imports and exports. The rubber product manufacturing industry in India is basically divided into two major sectors: tyre and non-tyre. The tyre sector produces all types of automotive and nonautomotive tyres whereas the non-tyre sector produces high technology and sophisticated products and comprises the medium scale, small scale and tiny units. Barring industries engaged in raw rubber production, there are approx. 4800 rubber based product manufacturing units comprising 30 large scale, 300 medium scale and around 4470 SSI and tiny sector units, employing four lakh people,including around 22000 technically qualified support personnel, with a turnover of 200 billion rupees and contributing 40 billion rupees to the National Exchequer through taxes, duties and other levies. Rubber products industry thus plays a core sector role in the Indian national economy.